
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Intense Fruity - Bottle

from 9.50

Why choose intensely fruity extra virgin olive oil:
◾ Prodotto da olive Nocellara del Belice, Carolea, Cerasuola, 10% Coratina.
◾ Consigliato se stai cercando un olio dall’importante intensità aromatica  e dal gusto deciso
◾ Campagna olivicola attuale: stagione 2023/2024
◾ Olio di montagna ad alto contenuto di polifenoli
◾ Also available in 5-litre format


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Extra Virgin Olive Oil Intense Fruity 

Our Extra Virgin Olive Oil Intense Fruity is a true masterpiece of our family's milling art. 
It is an oil that looks full-bodied by colour deep green, this oil has a strong personality e structure and is characterised by aromatic notes of intense fruity scent of fresh olives and from the strong taste.

It is perfect for those who love intense and decisive flavours! In particular, it can be appreciated by those looking for a high quality oil for the preparation of refined, gourmet dishes or to enhance the flavour of tasteful dishes.

It presents unique sensory notes reminiscent of the aroma of thegreen olive, of walnut, of fresh almond some delicate notes of apple freshly collected, thus anticipating the bitter-spicy sensations that develop in the mouth. The distinct herbaceous sensation and light notes of green tomato merge into a long and balanced final, making the oil an unforgettable taste experience.

These particular taste suggestions are given by the variety of olives we use, including Nocellara del Belice, Carolea, Cerasuola, Coratinacultivated in the Sicani mountains in Sicily.

The olives are transported to the mill within 48 hours to undergo the process of cold extraction. This production method preserves all the organoleptic characteristics of the olives, guaranteeing a full-bodied extra virgin olive oil with present but delicate notes of pungency and bitterness.

◾ Also available in 5-litre format


Sensory Analysis Intense EVO Oil

Technical Data Sheet

Ingredients: Italian extra virgin olive oil 100%
Nutritional Information (Average values per 100 ml):Energy value 821 Kcal / 3374 Kj; Fat 94g, of which saturated 14g; Carbohydrate 0g, of which sugar 0g; Protein 0g; Salt 0g.
500/800 M A.S.L.
Varieties:Nocellara del Belice, Carolea, Cerasuola, 10% Coratina.
Production area: Territory of the Sicani Mountains.
Production year: 2022/2024 oil campaign
Harvest period: From 15 October until 10 November.
Harvesting Technique: By hand or mechanised grazing.
Extraction process: Continuous, three-stage, cold cycle with a maximum temperature of 27°.
Guarantee: Italian 100% product from controlled supply chain
Appearance: full-bodied appearance and deep green colour, unfiltered.
Conservation: Temperature-controlled stainless steel silos
Fruity on the nose: important aromatic intensity
Bitter/spicy to the taste: assertive and engaging
Packaging: Dark glass bottle 250, 500ml or Bag in Box of 5 and 3 litres
Expiry date: 18 months from the date of packaging
Employment: perfect for enhancing the flavour of tasty dishes such as soups and stews, red meat, grilled vegetables, legume salads, pasta with sausage and mushrooms3

Intense flavour, unique character: the intensely fruity extra virgin olive oil from the heart of the Sicani Mountains

The uniqueness of our extra virgin olive oil Intense fruity lies in the combination of factors that characterise it. Firstly, the olive harvest takes place at a precise time of year, when the olives are still green, which gives the oil a particularly intense character, with very pronounced bitter and spicy notes.

In addition, our oil comes from ancient olive trees that grow in a unique territory, the Sicani Mountains, characterised by a dry climate protected from the wind and a particular soil, enriched by the presence of flinty limestones deposited in the Mesozoic. These factors confer oil a complex structurea cloudy note and a dense, structured texture, which make it unique and inimitable.

Our Intense Fruity oil is therefore the fruit of a unique terroir, careful harvesting and careful processing, which enhance its aromatic notes and make it a product of the highest quality, capable of enhancing the most refined flavours of Mediterranean cuisine.

How best to store extra virgin olive oil?

To store extra virgin olive oil in the best possible way, it is important to take a few precautions. First of all, the oil should be stored away from direct light and heat, in a cool and dry place. The ideal temperature for storing extra virgin olive oil is around 15-20 degrees Celsius.

In addition, it is important to use a airtight containerdark glass or stainless steel, to prevent oxidation of the oil.

It is also essential avoid exposing extra virgin olive oil to air for long periods, as oxygen can cause oxidation of the oil. 

We recommend the use of the bag in box that allow the oil to be stored for a long time, keeping its aromas and flavours unaltered. In fact, extra virgin olive oil can be stored in a bag-in-box for several monthseven after opening the package. 

This ensures that you always have an oil of quality, perfect for our preparations in the kitchen.

Olio extravergine di oliva fruttato intenso

Additional information


1 bottle, 2 bottles, 6 bottles, 12 bottles


250 ml, 500 ml, 750 ml